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Topic 8: To include/understand the financings of project


•To know the general principles of the financing of project.
•To identify the various stages in the installation of a project.
•To apprehend the advantages and disadvantages of the various sources of financing.

Teaching approach
Through examples and illustrations, the mechanism of the financing of project is the subject of a detailed analysis.
Several case studies are proposed to the participants to apply the exposed principles.


Contain 1: To control the general principles of the financing of project
•To include/understand the concepts . Financings of project/corporate, company of project, concessions, PPP…
•To locate the financing of project today
Infrastructures, energy…: which are the branches of industry resorting to the financing of project?
Which are the actors?

Contain 2: To analyze and share the risks
•To know the main categories of risks
Risk volatility of cash the flows and risks of market, risks technical and of construction, legal risks…
•To analyze the risks and to distribute them between the various actors
Case study: analyze matrix of the risks of a project

Contain 3: To set up the financing
•To determine the sources of financing . Equity and debt junior: capital, subordinate debt and mezzanine
Debt senior: debt banking, bond, in the short run . Role of the agencies of credit and the multilateral organizations
•To structure the financing . Covenants financial . Financial modeling: objectives . Articulation of the financing with the taking risk of the contributors of funds. Role and installation of the syndication
•To refinance a project
In which cases does refinance one a project?
How is it held? Which are the possibilities?
How to determine the financing adapted to a given project? According to which criteria?

Contain 4: To study contractual architecture
•To apprehend the legal aspects in financing of project . Initial agreements and invitation to tender Calendar
Documentation project: contract of concession/PPP, contract of construction and exploitation
Financial documentation: trust deed, support of the sponsor, safeties
•To give a progress report on the guarantees of the lenders
Which safeties for which projects? For which phase of the project?
Case study: analyze commented on principal clauses of documentation project and financial documentation

Price: 75 0 000 FCFA . Treated cases: Possibility of treating specific cases on request adapted to a participating company
Duration: 3 days. Public Concerned: Heads of company, Financial Directors, Financial Frameworks, Tallies S Comptables, heads of project



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