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o Providence
Karvan Finance contributes in implementing guarantees and contracts driving, Reporting and monitoring of providence committees in order to accompanied General Managers and Human Resources Directors within the framework of their relations with the insurer’s organizations.

o Retirement
Karvan Finance has a deepened expertise in the fields of Management and Retirement Indemnisation as well as the assistance in implementing additional retirement regime.

Our approach consists with a personalized valuation of your collaborators retirement as well as the implementation of a financial instrument likely to create gain on the investment your retirement funds. Karvan Finance intervenes in valuating IFRS/IAS19 standard and monitoring steering committees of retirement project as well as financial follow-up committees.

o Innovation & Audit
Karvan Finance intervenes in advising General Managers, Technical Directors and Financial Directors. Our innovation approach consists to design new products and to build appropriate tariffs to your activity.

The technical provisions annual approval of insurance companies’ portfolio, the valuation of social liability and the Audit of social accounting are an integral part of our core business.



o Providence

o Retirement

o Innovation & Audit















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