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    Topic 20: To control the mechanisms of the financial diagnosis    

•To acquire the tools necessary to the analysis and the follow-up of the financial balance of the company.
•To give a progress report on the Ias-ifrs standards.
•To include/understand and implement methodology to establish financial forecasts.

Teaching approach
The organizer attempts to present the various stages constituting a financial diagnosis. Exercises of application make it possible to the participants to adapt the various principles and methodologies necessary to the analysis of a company.
It is requested from the participants to provide itself with a financial computer.


Contain 1: To adopt a structured step of analysis
•Historical evolution of the methods of financial diagnosis
•To decipher the documents necessary to the analysis . Assessment, income statement, table of flows of treasury and appendix
•To analyze the capitalization by the assessment
To include/understand and interpret the concepts of working capital, requirement in treasury and working capital
Concept of funded capital . Ratios of structure and rotation
Exercise of application: calculation and interpretation of balances structural of a company
•To measure the performance by the income statement . SIG: method of calculation and use
To identify the principal ratios of result and profitability: profitability of capital invested, cost of the external resource, cost of the own capital stocks…
Exercise of application: calculation of the SIG and the principal ratios starting from the income statement
•To include/understand the dynamics of the table of flows of treasury
To differentiate and analyze flows of activity, investment and financing
To know to carry out an analysis by flows
Case study: thorough study of a table of flow
•To interpret the accounts: which are the traps and mistakes in interpretation to be avoided?

Contain 2: To build and exploit the financial forecasts
•To define the methodology of construction of a forecast . Which sequence of the estimated documents?
•To control the concept of BFR in its various normative aspects
•To integrate the objectives of the shareholders. The stockholders' equity and normative working capital
The profitability of the own capital stocks
•To use the level of debt as well as possible
Principles and mechanisms of the action leverage
To determine the level of optimal debt: which method?
Exercise of application: construction of the plan of estimated financing and simulation of the decisions of financing
Exercise of application: development of the complete financial diagnosis of a company

Price: 75 0 000 FCFA . Treated cases: Possibility of treating specific cases on request adapted to a participating company
Duration: 2 days . Public Concerned: Heads of company, Financial Directors, Financial Frameworks, non-financial Top executives,



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