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Topic 14: To know the causes of faill ite companies


•To identify the difficulties of a company.
•To establish a plan of reorganization.
•To ensure the continuity of the company.

Teaching approach
The stated principles are illustrated for concrete examples in order to optimize their comprehension and their use. The analysis of certain mechanisms facilitates the implementation of knowledge and makes it possible to acquire the good reflexes to act effectively.


Contain 1: To know the principal causes of failure of a company

•To define the concept of financial difficulty
•To diagnose the difficulties in a company and their impacts . Which are the "traditional" causes of failures?
Traps to be avoided at the time of the various cycles of life of the company
Which are the consequences of a liquidation for the leaders, the employees and the partners of the company?
•To familiarize itself with the adequate techniques of evaluation
Approach pertaining to liquidation, patrimonial, dynamic and approaches the comparable ones: principles, advantages and limits of the various methods . Self-diagnosis: each participant evaluates his knowledge

Contain 2: To know to anticipate the difficulties
•To detect the first difficulties and to determine their origins
•To install effective tools of follow-up . Management, treasury, budget…: which are the relevant dashboards? Which are the relevant indicators to follow?. Creation of a system of increase of the dysfunctions and follow-up of the action plans implemented . To know to interpret the signals of alarm and the indicators. Exercise of application: determination of the relevant indicators for the follow-up of the financial health of a company then development of an adapted dashboard

Contain 3: To control the legal aspect of the reorganization
•To know the great principles of law OHADA
•To include/understand the legal tools installed Mandate AD hoc, conciliation, safeguard, legal rectification and liquidation . Which operation? .Case study: examination of a plan of safeguard

Contain 4: To restructure the company
•To seek the solutions adapted to the difficulties of the company . Diagnosis with the determination of the strategic orientations and axes of improvement: which are the stages? To evaluate the impact economic and financial of the reorganization
•To determine and finance the needs for financing and treasury . Which are the solutions to renegotiate the expiries with the principal creditors?  To find new sources of financing
•To carry out the rectification and to ensure the continuity of the company
Case study: analyze detailed financial aspects of a plan of reorganization

Price: 75 0 000 FCFA Treated cases: Possibility of treating specific cases on request adapted to a participating company
Duration: 2 days Public Concerned: Heads of company, Financial Directors, Financial Frameworks, non-financial Top executives,



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