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Topic 10: How amndt éliorer the organization of the treasury


•To control the legal, tax and banking stakes.
•To apprehend the technical context and the tools.
•To select the best management and covering sciences of the risks.

Teaching approach
The division of experiments leads the participants to find solutions clean with their entity. An approach practises and illustrated also allows them to adapt the techniques and the tools of cash management. At the end of the formation, a practical exercise of synthesis facilitates the assimilation of the transmitted methods.


Contain 1: To measure the stakes of a treasury of group
•To identify the interest and the objectives: liquidity, risk management, information…
•To define the tasks entrusted to the central treasury
•To respect the legal and tax constraints
•To know the regulation: banking law, CRB… To raise the obstacles related to the company law .To apprehend the tax constraints: VAT, undercapitalization….Which legal structures usable? .To write the convention of treasury groups
•To direct the strategy of treasury of group .To draw up an inventory of fixtures: key questions
To choose an adapted project: various levels of centralization . Share experiments: the choice between centralization, decentralization or intermediate level and on the research of the satisfying degree of centralization

Contain 2: To set up centralization and to optimize flows
•To centralize the management of the needs and the cash surpluses . To appreciate the utility of the Lock-box: do a method of reduction of incur treasury? Case study: arbitration starting from a concrete testimony
•To define the ideal structure of centralization of the banking balances: cash the pooling . To identify the traditional diagrams: Z.B.A./notional T.B.A., cash mixed pooling and solutions. To choose a monobanque solution or banks "overlay"
Exercise of application: calculation of the redistribution of an advantage cash pool on the subsidiary companies
•To manage the covering of the rate, exchange rate risks… exercise of application: determination of a course budget for the exchange
•To organize the centralization of the payments: payment factory . To evaluate the contributions and key factors of success of a device of netting of the invoices intra-group. Case study: example of optimization of a netting

Contain 3: To choose the adequate management tools
•To organize the circuits of information: data of market, ERPs…
•Software of treasury of group: to identify the functionalities necessary
•Tools of banking connection
To control the projections of new automated and made safe platforms treatment of the payments: STP, swiftnet, Web-treasury, standards…
Case study: examples of implementations
•To renegotiate its banking relation following the tariff evolutions: remuneration of the currant accounts…
Exercise of application: organization of the relations between the central treasury, the subsidiary companies and the selected partner
To examine the general organization, the allocation of the functions, the stages, the procedures daily, the follow-up and measuring criteria

Price: 75 0 000 FCFA .Treated cases: Possibility of treating specific cases on request adapted to a participating company
Duration: 2 days .Public Concerned: Heads of company, Financial Directors, Financial and countable Frameworks, Treasurers, Listeners



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