•To give the tools necessary to the analysis and the follow-up of the financial balance of the company.
•To acquire a strategic vision of the financial transactions.
•To dialogue effectively with the general direction and the financial direction.

Teaching approach
Case studies and exercises of application confer on this formation an operational dimension. The alternation of exposed and settings in situation makes it possible to each participant to adapt the concepts and to interpret them well. A exercise of application at the end of each module makes it possible to the participants to assimilate the transmitted methods well.


MODULATE 1 - To evaluate a company

Contain 1: To include/understand the objectives of the evaluation
•To develop a company: which objectives?
•To arbitrate between the existing methods: To choose an adapted method has the activity and with the situation of the company
•To distinguish the value from the company and its price

Contain 2: To acquire the various methods evaluation
•To evaluate the company by method DCF
To determine cash the flows normative and the up-dating rate
How to retain relevant assumptions?
Exercise of application: analyze critical method, examination of the advantages and disadvantages in order to identify the traps to be avoided

Contain 2: To control the method of the multiples
How to constitute a sample of comparable companies?
To know the multiples usable
Exercise of application: analyze critical method, examination of the advantages and disadvantages in order to identify the traps to be avoided

•To identify the other methods evaluation
Exercise of application: evaluation of a company according to the various methods and determination of a price range

MODULATE 2 - To analyze a project of investment

Contain 1: To identify and appreciate the characteristics of a project
•To know typologies of investments
•To control the financial translation of an investment
•To quantify the original cost of a project and to determine future flows
•How to choose the up-dating rate?

Contain 2: To know to quantify a project and to calculate its profitability
•To include/understand and interpret the indicators of choice: VAN, SORTING, DR. and KING
Exercise of application: financial cost-benefit analysis of a project
•To quantify the cost of the capital
How and why calculate the Cost of the Capital?
In which ways can it be impacted?
•To take into account the risk associated with the project
The distinction risks economic/financial
Concept of dead point

Contain 3: To choose a mode of adapted financing
•To include/understand the concept of financial balance
•To finance an in-house investment
Stockholders' equity and quasi-equity
•To use the sources of external financing as well as possible
Exercise of application: development of the plan of financing of a project of investment

MODULATE 3 - Financial engineering top of assessment

Contain 1: To identify the capital intensive strategies
•To create value for the shareholder
•To find balance own capital stocks/optimal debt
Exercise of application: choice of a level of debt

Contain 2: To finance the development by the capital
•To know the existing alternatives and their operation
Introduction out of purse
Capital investment
Managers and paid
•To include/understand the mechanisms of quasi-equity and the funds mezzanines: BSA, OCA, OBSA, Oceane, ORA
Definitions and operation
Which utility?
•To choose a type of operation: according to which criteria?

Contain 3: To structure the company according to the adopted strategy
•To restructure the company: which possibilities?
Fusion, scission, subsidiarization, contribution partial of credit
•To control the whole of dimensions of the project
Aspects financial, countable, tax and legal
Which are the key stages?

Contain 4: To optimize the resumption of a company
•To identify the actors and the operations top of assessment: capital risks, capital development, LBO, fusions…
•To include/understand the operations of fusion acquisition
Which are the strategies of F&A?
To determine the principal stages of an operation
Tools: analyze, financial evaluation and planning
Engineering of the takeover

Case study: study of an operation of fusion acquisition

•To give a progress report on the operations of LBO and LMBO
Key mechanisms and stages
Which possibilities of exit: IPO? Transfer? Secondary LBO? Managers and paid (LMBO)?
Case study: unfolding of a LBO and determination of the most adapted possibilities of exit

Price: 12 00 000 FCFA .Treated cases: Possibility of treating specific cases on request adapted to a participating company
Duration: 2 days . Public Concerned: Heads of company, Financial Directors, Financial Frameworks, Tallies S Comptables, Analystes Financial, Auditeurs